Accessibility Statement

At KidZdent, we are committed to ensuring accessibility for all visitors to our website. We strive to continually improve the user experience for everyone and aim to make our website accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability.

Our Efforts

We have implemented several measures to enhance accessibility on our website, including but not limited to:

  1. Accessibility Widget: We have integrated an accessibility widget that allows users to adjust various aspects of the website according to their preferences, such as font size, color contrast, and keyboard navigation.

  2. Clear Text and Readability: All text content on our website is presented in a clear and legible manner to ensure ease of reading for all users.

  3. Alt Text for Images: We provide alternative text descriptions for images on our website to assist users who rely on screen readers or have images disabled.

  4. Keyboard Navigation: Our website is designed to be navigable using keyboard controls alone, facilitating access for users who may not be able to use a mouse.

Continuous Improvement

We recognize that accessibility is an ongoing effort, and we are committed to regularly reviewing and improving our website to ensure that it remains accessible to all users. 


If you encounter any accessibility barriers on our website or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us at 732-679-2323. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to enhance the accessibility of our website for all users.

Legal Disclaimer

While we endeavor to make our website as accessible as possible, we acknowledge that there may still be areas of improvement. This accessibility statement is not intended to serve as a legal guarantee of compliance with accessibility standards but rather as a reflection of our commitment to accessibility and ongoing efforts to improve.

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