Under 18 Orthodontic New Patient Form
Today’s Date ________________
Patient’s Last Name _______________________________ First _______________________ MI ______
DOB: ______________ Age: __________ Sex: ________ “I Prefer to be called ___________________”
Home Ph. #: __________________ Cell Ph. #: ________________ Work Ph. #: _____________________
Email Address/es: ________________________________________________________________________
Best Method for Appt. Confirmations (circle): EMAIL Home Ph. Cell Ph. Work Ph. Cell Text
Patient’s Full Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Legal/ Custodial Parent(s) or Guardian(s): _________________________________________________
Does Patient Live with Both Parents? Y/N : ______________________________________________________________
Other Family Members Treated Here: __________________________________________________________________
Person Financially Responsible for this Patient Account: ____________________________________
Address of Person Financially Responsible: ________________________________________________
Does Patient have Insurance Coverage for Orthodontic Treatment? _________________________
Name of Policy Holder: __________________________________ Employer: ______________________
Insurance Co. Name & Address: __________________________________________________________
SSN/ ID#: ______________________ DOB: ___________________ Group #: ________________________
Name of Policy Holder: __________________________________ Employer: ______________________
Insurance Co. Name & Address: __________________________________________________________
SSN/ ID#: ______________________ DOB: ___________________ Group #: ________________________
Did your Dentist Recommend Orthodontic Treatment? Yes _____ or No _____
How did you hear about Family Orthodontics at KidZdent? ______________________________________________
Dentist Name: ________________________________ Town: _______________________ Ph. #: ____________________
Date Last Seen by Dentist and Reason for Visit: _________________________________________________________
Do you have any dental treatment that needs to be done? _____________________________________________
Tell us a little bit about the Patient
What school/ grade does Patient attend? ___________________ Hobbies/ Sports?: ______________________
What concerns you most about their smile? _________________________________________________________
Are there other family members with the same condition? ___________________________________________
What types of braces are you interested in? Traditional ___ Clear ___ Invisalign ___
Is there a target date you expect treatment to be completed by? ___________________________________
Dental History Section (Answer/ Explain):
Has Patient had any accidents or trauma to their teeth/ face? ___________________________
Any teeth removed? _____________________ Any teeth Missing? __________________________
Any dental conditions or problems that we should be aware of? _________________________
Medical History Section (Answer Yes or No. If Yes, please explain):
Please check ALL conditions that apply to the patient:
Latex Allergy Heart Ailments Thyroid Disorders
ASD/ Autism Rheumatic Fever Ulcer or Colitis
Extreme Nervousness or Apprehension Epilepsy or Seizures Malignancies or Leukemia
Developmentally Delayed Heart Murmur Chicken Pox
Cerebral Palsy Sinus Ailments Mononucleosis
Hyperactivity/ ADHD Tonsilitis Hearing Ailments
Learning Disability Tuberculosis Eye Disorders
Psychiatric Care/ Emotional Ailments Kidney Ailments Physical Handicaps
Asthma or Other Respiratory Ailments Diabetes Excessive Bleeding
Liver Ailments, Jaundice or Hepatitis AIDS/ HIV + Anemia or Blood Ailments
Explanations/ Other Medical Issues:
List all medications, vitamins, supplements, or herbal medications being taken:
Physician’s Name & Town: ________________________________________________________________
Date & Reason Last Seen by Physician: ____________________________________________________
KidZdent follows Federal and State law by complying with HIPAA standards. Our Notice of Privacy
Practices took effect on April 15, 2003 and is available to you upon your request.
I certify that I have read and understood the above. I understand that the information that I
have given is correct to the best of my knowledge. I will not hold KidZdent or any member of
the staff responsible for any errors or omissions I may have made in the completion of this
form. I also authorize the Doctor’s and staff of KidZdent to perform the necessary dental
services that they have explained me.
Signature of Parent/ Legal Guardian: ___________________________________ Date: ____________